
Tagline TBA

We're busy prototyping. Check back later!

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Once we have a prototype, we'll update this page with more information.

Cool feature 1

Or maybe it's a benefit.

Cool feature 2

It's probably a benefit, here, too.

Cool feature 3

This would be another benefit, then.


We're seeking non-profit partners who may be able to provide modest grants to help fund the early development of Aeroelle.

Board Members

We have a great team of technologists. We're seeking board members with experience in startup fundraising.

Philanthropists and Angel Investors

There are opportunities to invest or sponsor the initial Aeroelle system. Contact us today!

Aeroelle business model

Aeroelle will be a modestly priced monthly subscriber service, with a free demo tier which provides a basic utility. We're planning to reach 100,000 subsribers, 10,000 paid tier subscribers, in the first year..

The target market are organizations responsible for indoor air quality in schools, offices, apartment buildings, retail shopping, airports, and indoor entertainment including bars and restaurants.

Join for Free
$TBD per month
Subscribe Now

Aeroelle Stealth Startup

This is a download link to iBlogger. Later this link will be updated to point to the Aeroelle beta.

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*Free trial - Offers in-app purchase

Happy Customers

We're getting good feedback from conversations with the target market.

- Gary Longsine | New York City

Fun thing is, we're getting certain similar feedback from several different people.

- Gary Longsine | Missoula, Montana

We barely start to explain Aeroelle, and people start sharing their story.

- Gary Longsine | via FaceTime

Integrate with Aeroelle

Aeroelle includes a custom URL so other apps can create event breadcrumbs

Aeroelle includes a custom URL so other app vendors can create events in Aeroelle from their apps or directly from their sensors. (Ask your favorite air quality app to join!)

If your favorite indoor air quality sensor doesn't provide direct support for aeroelle, contact us. We would be happy to work with them.

Have an idea for a feature? Send us an email.

Aeroelle Team

Our founders have years of experience building scalable systems. Aeroelle is in an early development phase focused on risk reduction and proof of concept.

Gary Longsine

Interim CEO


Director Mobile Engineering


Director Cloud Engineering

Invest in Aeroelle!

Aeroelle is seeking angel investment in the form of grant sponsorship from non-profits and other philanthropists to help jump-start Aeroelle. Contact Gary Longsine, today to discuss how your organization can participate.

Call Us

Gary Longsine: +1 (646) 397-0306

Send Email

Email: [email protected]

Video Conf

Virtual: We are available for virtual meeting via FaceTime, Zoom, or whatever you use.

Missoula, Montana: We sometimes meet at outdoors coffee shops in the downtown area.